How do you access the meeting?
Our meeting together will take place on Zoom only. There are some really important things for you to be aware of so please can you read this list.
1. Please set your name to be something we recognise otherwise we won't be able to let you into the meeting until we've worked out who you are.
2. If you don't want to be seen, then please turn your camera off but please set your name to be everyone attending the meeting via your connection for the purposes of the attendance register and voting.
3. You will have opportunity to raise your hand or wave at us if you wish to speak or to ask a follow up question or please type it into the chat.
4. Please connect in from 7.20pm so we can start promptly at 7.30pm. If everyone leaves it to 7.29pm to connect the meeting will go on later than scheduled!
5. Voting for our potential team leader will be done electronically via a form that will be in the chat and also emailed to you during the meeting. Please note your vote will only be counted if you are a church member AND are recorded as attending the meeting. You can use this form to vote until midnight on the 17th.
6. If you are telephoning into the meeting you can register your vote by phoning Tony Harrison at the end of the meeting.
To join the Zoom call, please click HERE.
Meeting ID: 832 2836 4317
Passcode: 020925
To telephone in, please call : 0131 460 1196
OR 0203 481 5237
Using the same ID and passcode above.
Please note you will be charged for these calls.
Please find all of the documents for this evening attached below:
Agenda for full meeting
Our meeting together will take place on Zoom only. There are some really important things for you to be aware of so please can you read this list.
1. Please set your name to be something we recognise otherwise we won't be able to let you into the meeting until we've worked out who you are.
2. If you don't want to be seen, then please turn your camera off but please set your name to be everyone attending the meeting via your connection for the purposes of the attendance register and voting.
3. You will have opportunity to raise your hand or wave at us if you wish to speak or to ask a follow up question or please type it into the chat.
4. Please connect in from 7.20pm so we can start promptly at 7.30pm. If everyone leaves it to 7.29pm to connect the meeting will go on later than scheduled!
5. Voting for our potential team leader will be done electronically via a form that will be in the chat and also emailed to you during the meeting. Please note your vote will only be counted if you are a church member AND are recorded as attending the meeting. You can use this form to vote until midnight on the 17th.
6. If you are telephoning into the meeting you can register your vote by phoning Tony Harrison at the end of the meeting.
To join the Zoom call, please click HERE.
Meeting ID: 832 2836 4317
Passcode: 020925
To telephone in, please call : 0131 460 1196
OR 0203 481 5237
Using the same ID and passcode above.
Please note you will be charged for these calls.
Please find all of the documents for this evening attached below:
Agenda for full meeting