Planning a visit?If you are visiting for the first time, you may have some questions about what to expect. Hopefully you will find the answers below but if not, please contact us and we will answer within 24 hours. We would love you to let us know you are coming. Please use the form below so we can welcome you properly.
Newcomer's Event
Got questions?
What will happen when I walk through the door?One of our Welcoming Team will greet you and will help you find a seat. What happens during a service?We usually sing, pray, have a bible reading and listen to a talk based on the bible reading. The talk will include how we can apply what we have just heard to our own lives. We will stand up and sit down as directed by the person who is leading the service at the front. If you are visiting during a morning service, children and young people usually leave around 11am to go to age relevant groups. Do you have disabled access?Yes, there is easy access via our main church doors or via our Wells Place Centre coffee shop. There are a number of wheelchair bays in the church. If there isn’t one available, a member of the Welcoming Team will create another space for you. There is an accessible toilet within the foyer of the church or within our toilet block on the ground floor of Wells Place Centre. |
What should I wear?We don’t mind what you wear! Most people dress fairly casually. Is there anything for children or young people?If you are visiting during a morning service, children and young people usually leave the service about 11am to go to age relevant groups. The person at the front leading the service will say when the children and young people should leave. Please follow the crowd through the door in the church that leads to Wells Place Centre and someone will direct you to the right group for your child. For more information on these groups and how to drop off your child and pick them up again, please click here if your children are pre-school or primary school age or here if your young person is secondary school age. Where are the toilets?There is a toilet in the church foyer which is large enough for a wheelchair and includes a baby changing facility. There is a toilet block on the ground floor and first floor of Wells Place Centre. Baby changing facilities and an accessible toilet are available on the ground floor. |
Where should I sit?Anywhere that you feel comfortable. The ground floor has individual chairs in rows. The balcony has cushioned pews. If stairs are a problem, we recommend you sit downstairs as we don’t have a lift. There is also an induction loop available downstairs. What time will the service end?The morning service usually ends around midday. What happens at the end of a service?The person leading the service at the front will make it clear that the service has finished. You are welcome to stay and chat for as long as you like. We would love you to join us for tea or coffee in the coffee shop after the morning service but if you need to leave quickly that is fine as well. There is a Welcome Point in the coffee shop so it is easy to find someone to talk to. We also have Welcome Gift Bags for newcomers. If you would like someone to pray with you, please stay in the church and move into the Prayer Space area which the person at the front will indicate at the end of the service and someone will come and join you. If you have children to collect, please go back to the room at which you dropped them off. |